
dlc2action is an action segmentation package that makes running and tracking experiments easy.


dlc2action is designed to be modular. You can use the high-level project interface for convenient experiment management or just import a metric or an SSL module if you want more freedom. Here are some tutorials for using the package.


Project is the class that can create and maintain configuration files and keep track of your experiments.


To start a new project, you can create a new dlc2action.project.project.Project instance in python. Check dlc2action.project.project.Project.print_data_types and dlc2action.project.project.Project.print_annotation_types to see the implemented data and annotation types.

from dlc2action.project import Project

project = Project(

A new folder will be created at projects_path/project_name with all the necessary files. The default projects path is a DLC2Action folder that will be created in your home directory. The project structure looks like this.

├── config                                             # Settings files
├── meta                                               # Project meta files (experiment records)
├── saved_datasets                                     # Pre-computed dataset files
└── results
    ├── logs                                           # Training logs (human readable)
    │   └── episode.txt
    ├── models                                         # Model checkpoints
    │   └── episode
    │       ├── epoch25.pt
    │       └── epoch50.pt
    ├── searches                                       # Hyperparameter search results (graphs)
    │   └── search
    │       ├── search_param_importances.html_docs
    │       └── search_contour.html_docs
    ├── splits                                         # Split files
    │       ├── time_25.0%validation_10.0%test.txt
    │       └── random_20.0%validation_10.0%test.txt
    ├── suggestions                                    # Suggestion and active learning files
    │       └── active_learning
    │           ├── video1_suggestion.pickle
    │           ├── video2_suggestion.pickle
    │           └── al_points.pickle
    └── predictions                                    # Prediction files (pickled dictionaries)
            ├── episode_epoch25.pickle
            └── episode_epoch50_newdata.pickle

You can find a more detailed explanation of the structure at dlc2action.project.

After the project is created you can modify the parameters with the dlc2action.project.project.Project.update_parameters function. Make sure to start by filling out the required parameters. You can get a list of those and a code hint with dlc2action.project.project.Project.list_blanks.

Run project.help() to find out more about other parameters you might want to modify.


When you want to start your experiments, just create a dlc2action.project.project.Project instance again (or use the one you created to initialize the project). This time you don't have to set any parameters except the project name (and, if you used it when creating the project, projects_path).

from dlc2action.project import Project
project = Project('project_name')

The first thing you will want to do is train some models. There are three ways to run a training episode in dlc2action.

  1. Run a single episode


    We have now run a training episode with the default project parameters (read from the configuration files) and saved it in the meta files under the name episode_1.

  2. Run multiple episodes in a row

    project.run_episodes(['episode_2', 'episode_3', 'episode_4'])

    That way the dlc2action.task.universal_task.Task instance will not be re-created every time, which might save you some time.

  3. Continue a previously run episode

    project.continue_episode('episode_2', num_epochs=500)

    In case you decide you want to continue an older episode, you can load all parameters and state dictionaries and set a new number of epochs. That way training will go on from where it has stopped and in the end the episode will be re-saved under the same name. Note that num_epochs denotes the new total number of epochs, so if episode_2 has already been trained for 300 epochs, for example, it will now run for 200 epochs more, not 500.

Of course, changing the default parameters every time you want to run a new configuration is not very convenient. And, luckily, you don't have to do that. Instead you can add a parameters_update parameter to dlc2action.project.project.Project.run_episode (or parameters_updates to dlc2action.project.project.Project.run_episodes; all other parameters generalize to multiple episodes in a similar way). The third function does not take many additional parameters since it aims to continue an experiment from exactly where it ended.

        'general': {'ssl': ['contrastive']},
        'ssl': {'contrastive': {'ssl_weight': 0.01}},

In order to find the parameters you can modify, just open the config folder of your project and browse through the files or call dlc2action_fill in your terminal (see [creating] section). The first-level keys are the filenames without the extension ('augmentations', 'data', 'general', 'losses', 'metrics', 'ssl', 'training'). Note that there are no model.yaml or features.yaml files there for the 'model' and 'features' keys in the parameter dictionaries. Those parameters are read from the files in the model and features folders that correspond to the options you set in the 'general' dictionary. For example, if at general.yaml model_name is set to 'ms_tcn3', the 'model' dictionary will be read from model/ms_tcn3.yaml.

If you want to create a new episode with modified parameters that loads a previously trained model, you can do that by adding a load_episode parameter. By default we will load the last saved epoch, but you can also specify which epoch you want with load_epoch. In that case the closest checkpoint will be chosen.

    parameters_update={'training': {'batch_size': 64}},


dlc2action also has tools for easy hyperparameter optimization. We use the optuna auto-ML package to perform the searches and then save the best parameters and the search graphs (contour and parameter importance). The best parameters can then be loaded when you are run an episode or saved as the defaults in the configuration files.

To start a search, you need to run either the project.project.Project.run_hyperparameter_search or the project.project.Project.run_default_hyperparameter_search command. The first one allows you to optimize any hyperparameter you want while the second provides you with a good default search space for a given model name.

To run a default search, you just need to know the name of the model you want to experiment with.


Defining your own search space is a bit more complicated. Let's say we want to optimize for four parameters: overlap length, SSL task type, learning rate and number of feature maps in the model. Here is the process to figure out what we want to run.

  1. Find the parameter names

    We check our parameter dictionary with project.list_basic_parameters() and find them in "data", "general", "training" and "model" categories, respectively. That means that our parameter names are 'data/overlap', 'general/ssl', 'training/lr' and 'model/num_f_maps'.

  2. Define the search space

    There are five types of search spaces in dlc2action:

    • int: integer values (uniform sampling),
    • int_log: integer values (logarithmic scale sampling),
    • float: float values (uniform sampling),
    • float_log: float values (logarithmic sampling),
    • categorical: choice between several values.

    The first four are defined with their minimum and maximum value while categorical requires a list of possible values. So the search spaces are described with tuples that look either like (search_space_type, min, max) or like ("categorical", list_of_values).

    We suspect that the optimal overlap is somewhere between 10 and 80 frames, SSL tasks should be either only contrastive or contrastive and masked_features together, sensible learning rate is between 10-2 and 10-4 and the number of feature maps should be between 8 and 64. That makes our search spaces ("int", 10, 80) for the overlap, ("categorical", [["contrastive"], ["contrastive", "masked_features"]]) for the SSL tasks, ("float_log", 1e-4, 1e-2) for the learning rate and ("int_log", 8, 64) for the feature maps.

  3. Choose the search parameters

    You need to decide which metric you are optimizing for and for how many trials. Note that it has to be one of the metrics you are computing: check metric_functions at general.yaml and add your metric if it's not there. The direction parameter determines whether this metric is minimized or maximized. The metric can also be averaged over a few of the most successful epochs (average parameter). If you want to use optuna's pruning feature, set prune to True.

    You can also use parameter updates and load older experiments, as in the [training] section of this tutorial.

    Here we will maximize the recall averaged over 5 top epochs and run 50 trials with pruning.

Now we are ready to run!

        "data/overlap": ("int", 10, 80),
        "general/ssl": (
            [["contrastive"], ["contrastive", "masked_features"]]
        "training/lr": ("float_log": 1e-4, 1e-2),
        "model/num_f_maps": ("int_log", 8, 64),

After a search is finished, the best parameters are saved in the meta files and search graphs are saved at project_name/results/searches/search_1. You can see the best parameters by running project.project.Project.list_best_parameters:


Those results can also be loaded in a training episode or saved in the configuration files directly.

    load_parameters=['training/lr', 'model/num_f_maps'],
    load_parameters=['data/overlap', 'general/ssl'],

In this example we saved the learning rate and the number of feature maps in the configuration files and loaded the other parameters to run the episode_best_params training episode. Note how we used the round_to_binary parameter. It will round the number of feature maps to the closest power of two (7 to 8, 35 to 32 and so on). This is useful for parameters like the number of features or the batch size.

Exploring results

After you run a bunch of experiments you will likely want to get an overview.


You can get a feeling for the predictions made by a model by running project.project.Project.plot_predictions.

project.plot_predictions('episode_1', load_epoch=50)

This command will generate a prediction for a random sample and visualize it compared to the ground truth. There is a lot of parameters you can customize, check them out in the documentation).

You can also analyze the results with project.project.Project.plot_confusion_matrix.

Another available visualization type is training curve comparison with project.project.Project.plot_episodes. You can compare different metrics and modes across several episode or whithin one. For example, this command will plot the validation accuracy curves for the two episodes.

project.plot_episodes(['episode_1', 'episode_2'], metrics=['accuracy'])

And this will plot training and validation recall curves for episode_3.

project.plot_episodes(['episode_3'], metrics=['recall'], modes=['train', 'val'])

You can also plot several episodes as one curve. That can be useful, for example, with episodes 2 and 6 in our tutorial, since episode_6 loaded the model from episode_2.

project.plot_episodes([['episode_2', 'episode_6'], 'episode_4'], metrics=['precision'])


Alternatively, you can start analyzing your experiments by putting them in a table. You can get a summary of your training episodes with project.project.Project.list_episodes. It provides you with three ways to filter the data.

  1. Episode names

    You can directly say which episodes you want to look at and disregard all others. Let's say we want to see episodes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

  2. Parameters

    In a similar fashion, you can choose to only display certain parameters. See all available parameters by running project.list_episodes().columns. Here we are only interested in the time of adding the record, the recall results and the learning rate.

  3. Value filter

    The last option is to filter by parameter values. Filters are defined by strings that look like this: '{parameter_name}::{sign}{value}'. You can use as many filters as ypu want and separate them with a comma. The parameter names are the same as in point 2, the sign can be either >, >=, <, <= or = and you choose the value. Let's say we want to only get the episodes that took at least 30 minutes to train and got to a recall that is higher than 0.4. That translates to 'results/recall::>0.4,meta/training_time::>=00:30:00'.

Putting it all together, we get this command.

    episodes=['episode_1', 'episode_2', 'episode_3', 'episode_4'],
    display_parameters=['meta/time', 'results/recall', 'training/lr'],

There are similar functions for summarizing other history files: project.project.Project.list_searches, project.project.Project.list_predictions, project.project.Project.list_suggestions and they all follow the same pattern.

You can also get a summary of your experiment results with project.project.Project.get_results_table and project.project.Project.get_summary. Those methods will aggregate the metrics over all runs of you experiment and allow for easy comparison between models or other parameters.

Making predictions

When you feel good about one of the models, you can move on to making predictions. There are two ways to do that: generate pickled prediction dictionaries with project.project.Project.run_prediction or active learning and suggestion files for the [GUI] with project.project.Project.run_suggestion.

By default the predictions will be made for the entire dataset at the data path of the project. However, you can also choose to only make them for the training, validation or test subset (set with mode parameter) or even for entirely new data (set with data_path parameter). Note that if you set the data_path value, the split parameters will be disregarded and mode will be forced to 'all'!

Here is an example of running these functions.

project.run_prediction('prediction_1', episode_name='episode_3', load_epoch=150, mode='test')

This command will generate a prediction dictionary with the model from epoch 150 of episode_3 for the test subset of the project data (split according to the configuration files) and save it at project_name/results/predictions/prediction_1.pickle.

The history of prediction runs is recorded and at the [exploring] section we have described how to access it.

  2# Copyright 2020-2022 by A. Mathis Group and contributors. All rights reserved.
  4# This project and all its files are licensed under GNU AGPLv3 or later version. A copy is included in dlc2action/LICENSE.AGPL.
  7`dlc2action` is an action segmentation package that makes running and tracking experiments easy.
  9# Usage
 10`dlc2action` is designed to be modular.
 11You can use the high-level project interface for convenient experiment management or just import a metric
 12or an SSL module if you want more freedom. Here are some tutorials for using the package.
 14## Project
 15Project is the class that can create and maintain configuration files and keep track of your experiments.
 17### Creating
 18[creating]: #creating
 19To start a new project, you can create a new `dlc2action.project.project.Project` instance in python. 
 20Check `dlc2action.project.project.Project.print_data_types` and `dlc2action.project.project.Project.print_annotation_types` to see the implemented data 
 21and annotation types.
 23from dlc2action.project import Project
 25project = Project(
 26    'project_name',
 27    data_type='data_type',
 28    annotation_type='annotation_type',
 29    data_path='path/to/data/folder',
 30    annotation_path='path/to/annotation/folder',
 34A new folder will be created at `projects_path/project_name` with all the necessary files. The default projects path is
 35a `DLC2Action` folder that will be created in your home directory.
 36The project structure looks like this.
 40├── config                                             # Settings files
 41├── meta                                               # Project meta files (experiment records)
 42├── saved_datasets                                     # Pre-computed dataset files
 43└── results
 44    ├── logs                                           # Training logs (human readable)
 45    │   └── episode.txt
 46    ├── models                                         # Model checkpoints
 47    │   └── episode
 48    │       ├── epoch25.pt
 49    │       └── epoch50.pt
 50    ├── searches                                       # Hyperparameter search results (graphs)
 51    │   └── search
 52    │       ├── search_param_importances.html_docs
 53    │       └── search_contour.html_docs
 54    ├── splits                                         # Split files
 55    │       ├── time_25.0%validation_10.0%test.txt
 56    │       └── random_20.0%validation_10.0%test.txt
 57    ├── suggestions                                    # Suggestion and active learning files
 58    │       └── active_learning
 59    │           ├── video1_suggestion.pickle
 60    │           ├── video2_suggestion.pickle
 61    │           └── al_points.pickle
 62    └── predictions                                    # Prediction files (pickled dictionaries)
 63            ├── episode_epoch25.pickle
 64            └── episode_epoch50_newdata.pickle
 67You can find a more detailed explanation of the structure at `dlc2action.project`.
 69After the project is created you can modify the parameters with the `dlc2action.project.project.Project.update_parameters` function.
 70Make sure to start by filling out the required parameters. You can get a list of those and a code hint with 
 73Run `project.help()` to find out more about other parameters you might want to modify.
 75### Training
 76[training]: #training
 77When you want to start your experiments, just create a `dlc2action.project.project.Project` instance again
 78(or use the one you created
 79to initialize the project). This time you don't have to set any parameters except the project name (and, if
 80you used it when creating the project, `projects_path`).
 83from dlc2action.project import Project
 84project = Project('project_name')
 87The first thing you will want to do is train some models. There are three ways to run a *training episode*
 88in `dlc2action`.
 901. **Run a single episode**
 92    ```python
 93    project.run_episode('episode_1')
 94    ```
 96    We have now run a training episode with the default project parameters (read from the configuration files)
 97    and saved it in the meta files under the name `episode_1`.
 992. **Run multiple episodes in a row**
101    ```python
102    project.run_episodes(['episode_2', 'episode_3', 'episode_4'])
103    ```
105    That way the `dlc2action.task.universal_task.Task` instance will not be
106    re-created every time, which might save you some time.
1083. **Continue a previously run episode**
110    ```python
111    project.continue_episode('episode_2', num_epochs=500)
112    ```
114    In case you decide you want to continue an older episode, you can load all parameters and state dictionaries
115    and set a new number of epochs. That way training will go on from where it has stopped and in the end the
116    episode will be re-saved under the same name. Note that `num_epochs` denotes the **new total number of epochs**,
117    so if `episode_2` has already been trained for 300 epochs, for example, it will now run for 200 epochs more,
118    not 500.
120Of course, changing the default parameters every time you want to run a new configuration is not very convenient.
121And, luckily, you don't have to do that. Instead you can add a `parameters_update` parameter to
122`dlc2action.project.project.Project.run_episode` (or `parameters_updates` to
123`dlc2action.project.project.Project.run_episodes`; all other parameters generalize to multiple episodes
124in a similar way). The third
125function does not take many additional parameters since it aims to continue an experiment from exactly where
126it ended.
130    'episode_5',
131    parameters_update={
132        'general': {'ssl': ['contrastive']},
133        'ssl': {'contrastive': {'ssl_weight': 0.01}},
134    },
138In order to find the parameters you can modify, just open the *config* folder of your project and browse through
139the files or call `dlc2action_fill` in your terminal (see [creating] section). The first-level keys
140are the filenames without the extension (`'augmentations'`, `'data'`, `'general'`, `'losses'`,
141`'metrics'`, `'ssl'`, `'training'`). Note that there are no
142*model.yaml* or *features.yaml* files there for the `'model'` and `'features'` keys in the parameter
143dictionaries. Those parameters are **read from the files in the *model* and *features* folders** that correspond
144to the options you set in the `'general'` dictionary. For example, if at *general.yaml* `model_name` is set to
145`'ms_tcn3'`, the `'model'` dictionary will be read from *model/ms_tcn3.yaml*.
147If you want to create a new episode with modified parameters that loads a previously trained model, you can do that
148by adding a `load_episode` parameter. By default we will load the last saved epoch, but you can also specify
149which epoch you want with `load_epoch`. In that case the closest checkpoint will be chosen.
153    'episode_6',
154    parameters_update={'training': {'batch_size': 64}},
155    load_episode='episode_2',
156    load_epoch=100,
160### Optimizing
161`dlc2action` also has tools for easy hyperparameter optimization. We use the `optuna` auto-ML package to perform
162the searches and then save the best parameters and the search graphs (contour and parameter importance).
163The best parameters
164can then be loaded when you are run an episode or saved as the defaults in the configuration files.
166To start a search, you need to run either the `project.project.Project.run_hyperparameter_search` or the 
167`project.project.Project.run_default_hyperparameter_search` command. The first one allows you to optimize any hyperparameter you want
168while the second provides you with a good default search space for a given model name. 
170To run a default search, you just need to know the name of the model you want to experiment with.
173    "c2f_tcn_search",
174    model_name="c2f_tcn",
175    metric="f1",
176    prune=True,
180Defining your own search space is a bit more complicated. Let's
181say we want to optimize for four parameters: overlap length, SSL task type, learning rate and
182number of feature maps in the model. Here is the process
183to figure out what we want to run.
1851. **Find the parameter names**
187    We check our parameter dictionary with `project.list_basic_parameters()` and find them in `"data"`, `"general"`, 
188    `"training"` and `"model"` categories, respectively.
189    That means that our parameter names are `'data/overlap'`, `'general/ssl'`, `'training/lr'` and
190    `'model/num_f_maps'`.
1922. **Define the search space**
194    There are five types of search spaces in `dlc2action`:
196    - `int`: integer values (uniform sampling),
197    - `int_log`: integer values (logarithmic scale sampling),
198    - `float`: float values (uniform sampling),
199    - `float_log`: float values (logarithmic sampling),
200    - `categorical`: choice between several values.
202    The first four are defined with their minimum and maximum value while `categorical` requires a list of
203    possible values. So the search spaces are described with tuples that look either like
204    `(search_space_type, min, max)` or like `("categorical", list_of_values)`.
206    We suspect that the optimal overlap is somewhere between 10 and 80 frames, SSL tasks should be either
207    only contrastive or contrastive and masked_features together, sensible learning rate is between
208    10<sup>-2</sup> and 10<sup>-4</sup> and the number of feature maps should be between 8 and 64.
209    That makes our search spaces `("int", 10, 80)` for the overlap,
210    `("categorical", [["contrastive"], ["contrastive", "masked_features"]])` for the SSL tasks,
211    `("float_log", 1e-4, 1e-2)` for the learning rate and ("int_log", 8, 64) for the feature maps.
2133. **Choose the search parameters**
215    You need to decide which metric you are optimizing for and for how many trials. Note that it has to be one
216    of the metrics you are computing: check `metric_functions` at *general.yaml* and add your
217    metric if it's not there. The `direction` parameter determines whether this metric is minimized or maximized.
218    The metric can also be averaged over a few of the most successful epochs (`average` parameter). If you want to
219    use `optuna`'s pruning feature, set `prune` to `True`.
221    You can also use parameter updates and load older experiments, as in the [training] section of this tutorial.
223    Here we will maximize the recall averaged over 5 top epochs and run 50 trials with pruning.
225Now we are ready to run!
229    search_space={
230        "data/overlap": ("int", 10, 80),
231        "general/ssl": (
232            "categorical",
233            [["contrastive"], ["contrastive", "masked_features"]]
234        ),
235        "training/lr": ("float_log": 1e-4, 1e-2),
236        "model/num_f_maps": ("int_log", 8, 64),
237    },
238    metric="recall",
239    n_trials=50,
240    average=5,
241    search_name="search_1",
242    direction="maximize",
243    prune=True,
247After a search is finished, the best parameters are saved in the meta files and search graphs are saved at
248*project_name/results/searches/search_1*. You can see the best parameters by running
254Those results can also be loaded in a training episode or saved in the configuration files directly.
258    load_search='search_1',
259    load_parameters=['training/lr', 'model/num_f_maps'],
260    round_to_binary=['model/num_f_maps'],
263    'episode_best_params',
264    load_search='search_1',
265    load_parameters=['data/overlap', 'general/ssl'],
268In this example we saved the learning rate and the number of feature maps in the configuration files and
269loaded the other parameters to run
270the `episode_best_params` training episode. Note how we used the `round_to_binary` parameter.
271It will round the number of feature maps to the closest power of two (7 to 8, 35 to 32 and so on). This is useful
272for parameters like the number of features or the batch size.
274### Exploring results
275[exploring]: #exploring-results
276After you run a bunch of experiments you will likely want to get an overview.
278#### Visualization
279You can get a feeling for the predictions made by a model by running `project.project.Project.plot_predictions`.
282project.plot_predictions('episode_1', load_epoch=50)
284This command will generate a prediction for a random sample and visualize it compared to the ground truth.
285There is a lot of parameters you can customize, check them out in the documentation).
287You can also analyze the results with `project.project.Project.plot_confusion_matrix`.
289Another available visualization type is training curve comparison with `project.project.Project.plot_episodes`.
290You can compare different metrics and modes across several episode or whithin one. For example, this command
291will plot the validation accuracy curves for the two episodes.
294project.plot_episodes(['episode_1', 'episode_2'], metrics=['accuracy'])
296And this will plot training and validation recall curves for `episode_3`.
299project.plot_episodes(['episode_3'], metrics=['recall'], modes=['train', 'val'])
301You can also plot several episodes as one curve. That can be useful, for example, with episodes 2 and 6
302in our tutorial, since `episode_6` loaded the model from `episode_2`.
305project.plot_episodes([['episode_2', 'episode_6'], 'episode_4'], metrics=['precision'])
308#### Tables
309Alternatively, you can start analyzing your experiments by putting them in a table. You can get a summary of
310your training episodes with `project.project.Project.list_episodes`. It provides you with three ways to filter
311the data.
3131. **Episode names**
315    You can directly say which episodes you want to look at and disregard all others. Let's say we want to see
316    episodes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
3182. **Parameters**
320    In a similar fashion, you can choose to only display certain parameters. See all available parameters by
321    running `project.list_episodes().columns`. Here we are only interested in the time of adding the record,
322    the recall results and the learning rate.
3243. **Value filter**
326    The last option is to filter by parameter values. Filters are defined by strings that look like this:
327    `'{parameter_name}::{sign}{value}'`. You can use as many filters as ypu want and separate them with a comma.
328    The parameter names are the same as in point 2, the sign can be either
329    `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=` or `=` and you choose the value. Let's say we want to only get the episodes that took
330    at least 30 minutes to train and got to a recall that is higher than 0.4. That translates to
331    `'results/recall::>0.4,meta/training_time::>=00:30:00'`.
333Putting it all together, we get this command.
337    episodes=['episode_1', 'episode_2', 'episode_3', 'episode_4'],
338    display_parameters=['meta/time', 'results/recall', 'training/lr'],
339    episode_filter='results/recall::>0.4,meta/training_time::>=00:30:00',
343There are similar functions for summarizing other history files: `project.project.Project.list_searches`,
344`project.project.Project.list_predictions`, `project.project.Project.list_suggestions` and they all follow the
345same pattern.
347You can also get a summary of your experiment results with `project.project.Project.get_results_table` and
348`project.project.Project.get_summary`. Those methods will aggregate the metrics over all runs of you experiment and allow 
349for easy comparison between models or other parameters.
351### Making predictions
352When you feel good about one of the models, you can move on to making predictions. There are two ways to do that:
353generate pickled prediction dictionaries with `project.project.Project.run_prediction` or active learning
354and suggestion files for the [GUI] with `project.project.Project.run_suggestion`.
356By default the predictions will be made for the entire dataset at the data path of the project. However, you
357can also choose to only make them for the training, validation or test subset (set with `mode` parameter) or
358even for entirely new data (set with `data_path` parameter). Note that if you set the `data_path`
359value, **the split
360parameters will be disregarded** and `mode` will be forced to `'all'`!
362Here is an example of running these functions.
365project.run_prediction('prediction_1', episode_name='episode_3', load_epoch=150, mode='test')
367This command will generate a prediction dictionary with the model from epoch 150 of `episode_3` for the test
368subset of the project data (split according to the configuration files) and save it at
371The history of prediction runs is recorded and at the [exploring] section
372we have described how to access it.
374[GUI]: https://github.com/amathislab/dlc2action_annotation
377from dlc2action.version import __version__, VERSION
379__pdoc__ = {"options": False, "version": False, "scripts": False}