
Feature extraction

Feature extractors generate feature dictionaries that are then passed to SSL transformations (see dlc2action.ssl) and finally to transformers that perform augmentations and merge all features into a tensor (see dlc2action.transformer). The keys of the dictionaries are the feature names ('coords', 'speeds' and so on) and the values are the feature tensors. It is generally assumed that the tensors have shape (F, ..., L) where F is the variable number of features (per frame, keypoint, pixel...) and L is the length of the segment in frames. The F value can be different for every tensor in the dictionary and the rest of the shape should be constant.

  2# Copyright 2020-2022 by A. Mathis Group and contributors. All rights reserved.
  4# This project and all its files are licensed under GNU AGPLv3 or later version. A copy is included in dlc2action/LICENSE.AGPL.
  7## Feature extraction
  9Feature extractors generate feature dictionaries that are then passed to SSL transformations
 10(see `dlc2action.ssl`) and finally to
 11transformers that perform augmentations and merge all features into a tensor (see `dlc2action.transformer`).
 12The keys of the dictionaries are the feature names (`'coords'`, `'speeds'` and so on) and the values are the
 13feature tensors. It is generally assumed that the tensors have shape `(F, ..., L)` where `F` is the variable
 14number of features (per frame, keypoint, pixel...) and `L` is the length of the segment in frames. The `F`
 15value can be different for every tensor in the dictionary and the rest of the shape should be constant.
 17import copy
 18from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
 19import numpy as np
 20from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 21from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
 22import math
 23from itertools import combinations
 24from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
 25from dlc2action.data.base_store import PoseInputStore
 26from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
 29class FeatureExtractor(ABC):
 30    """
 31    The base class for feature extractors
 33    The `extract_features` method receives a data dictionary as input.
 34    We do not assume a specific
 35    structure in the values and all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
 36    of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods. Therefore, each child class
 37    of `FeatureExtractor` is written for a specific subclass of `dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore`
 38    with the data inference
 39    functions defined (i.e. `dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore`).
 40    """
 42    input_store_class = None
 43    """
 44    The `dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore` child class paired with this feature extractor
 45    """
 47    @abstractmethod
 48    def __init__(self, ignored_clips: List = None, **kwargs):
 49        """
 50        Parameters
 51        ----------
 52        ignored_clips : list
 53            a list of string names of clip ids to ignore
 54        """
 56    @abstractmethod
 57    def extract_features(
 58        self, data_dict: Dict, video_id: str, one_clip: bool = False
 59    ) -> Dict:
 60        """
 61        Extract features from a data dictionary
 63        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. The data dictionary has to relate to one
 64        video id and have clip ids as keys. Read the documentation at `dlc2action.data` to find out more about video
 65        and clip ids. We do not assume a specific
 66        structure in the values, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
 67        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
 69        Parameters
 70        ----------
 71        data_dict : dict
 72            the data dictionary
 73        video_id : str
 74            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
 75        one_clip : bool, default False
 76            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
 78        Returns
 79        -------
 80        features : dict
 81            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
 82            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, ..., #frames)`
 83        """
 86class PoseFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor):
 87    """
 88    The base class for pose feature extractors
 90    Pose feature extractors work with `dlc2action.data.base_store.InputStore` instances
 91    that inherit from `dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore`.
 92    """
 94    input_store_class = PoseInputStore
 96    def __init__(self, input_store: PoseInputStore, *args, **kwargs):
 97        """
 98        Parameters
 99        ----------
100        input_store : PoseInputStore
101            the input store object
102        """
104        self.get_bodyparts = input_store.get_bodyparts
105        self.get_coords = input_store.get_coords
106        self.get_n_frames = input_store.get_n_frames
107        self.get_likelihood = input_store.get_likelihood
110# class KinematicBones(PoseFeatures):
112#     def __init__(self, dataset, bone_pairs, *args, **kwargs):
113#         self.bone_starts, self.bone_ends = zip(*bone_pairs)
114#         self.keys = ["bones", "speed_bones", "acc_bones"]
115#         super().__init__(dataset)
117#     def extract_features(self, data_dict: Dict, clip_id: str, name: str) -> Dict:
118#         if isinstance(clip_id, list):
119#             clip_id = clip_id[0]
120#         bodyparts = np.array(self.get_bodyparts(data_dict, clip_id))
121#         bone_starts = np.where(
122#             np.array(self.bone_starts)[:, None] == bodyparts[None, :]
123#         )[1]
124#         bone_ends = np.where(np.array(self.bone_ends)[:, None] == bodyparts[None, :])[1]
125#         coords = np.stack(
126#             [self.get_coords(data_dict, clip_id, bp) for bp in bodyparts], axis=1
127#         )
128#         bones = coords[:, bone_ends, :] - coords[:, bone_starts, :]
129#         speeds = bones[1:] - bones[:-1]
130#         speeds = np.concatenate([speeds[:1], speeds], axis=0)
131#         acc = speeds[1:] - speeds[:-1]
132#         acc = np.concatenate([acc[:1], acc], axis=0)
133#         n_frames = bones.shape[0]
134#         features = {
135#             "bones": bones.reshape((n_frames, -1)),
136#             "speed_bones": speeds.reshape((n_frames, -1)),
137#             "acc_bones": acc.reshape((n_frames, -1)),
138#         }
139#         return features
142class KinematicExtractor(PoseFeatureExtractor):
143    """
144    A feature extractor for basic kinematic features: speeds, accelerations, distances.
146    The available keys are:
147        - coords: the allocentric bodypart coordinates,
148        - coord_diff: the egocentric bodypart coordinates,
149        - center: the body center (mean of bodyparts) coordinates,
150        - intra_distance: distances between bodyparts (pairs set in `distance_pairs` or all combinations by default),
151        - inter_distance: computed in interactive mode (for pairs of animals); distances from each bodypart of each animal to the centroid between them,
152        - speed_direction: unit vector of speed approximation for each bodypart,
153        - speed_value: l2 norm of the speed approximation vector for each bodypart,
154        - acc_joints: l2 norm of the acceleration approximation vector for each bodypart,
155        - angle_speeds: vector of angle speed approximation for each bodypart,
156        - angles: cosines of angles set in `angle_pairs`,
157        - areas: areas of polygons set in `area_vertices`,
158        - zone_bools: binary identifier of zone visitation, defined in `zone_bools`,
159        - zone_distances: distance to zone boundary, defined in `zone_distances'`,
160        - likelihood: pose estimation likelihood (if known).
162    The default set is `{coord_diff, center, intra_distance, inter_distance, speed_direction, speed_value, acc_joints, angle_speeds}`
163    """
165    def __init__(
166        self,
167        input_store: PoseInputStore,
168        keys: List = None,
169        ignored_clips: List = None,
170        interactive: bool = False,
171        averaging_window: int = 1,
172        distance_pairs: List = None,
173        angle_pairs: List = None,
174        neighboring_frames: int = 0,
175        area_vertices: List = None,
176        zone_vertices: Dict = None,
177        zone_bools: List = None,
178        zone_distances: List = None,
179        *args,
180        **kwargs,
181    ) -> None:
182        """
183        Parameters
184        ----------
185        input_store : PoseInputStore
186            the input store object
187        keys : list, optional
188            a list of names of the features to extract
189        ignored_clips : list, optional
190            a list of clip ids to ignore
191        interactive : bool, default False
192            if `True`, features for pairs of clips will be computed
193        averaging_window : int, default 1
194            if >1, features are averaged with a moving window of this size (in frames)
195        distance_pairs : list, optional
196            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("tail", "nose")]`) to compute distances for when `"intra_distance"`
197            is in `keys` (by default all distances are computed)
198        angle_pairs : list, optional
199            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2")]`) for the angle between `"ear1"--"nose"` and
200            `"nose"--"ear2"` lines) to compute angle cosines for when `"angles"` is in `keys` (by default no angles are computed)
201        neighboring_frames : int, default 0
202            if >0, this number of neighboring frames is aggregated in the center frame features (generally not recommended)
203        area_vertices : list, optional
204            a list of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2", "spine1")]`) that define polygons
205            to compute areas for when `"areas"` is in `keys` (by default no areas are computed)
206        zone_vertices : dict, optional
207            a dictionary of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 that define zones for `"zone_bools"`and `"zone_distances"`
208            featyres; keys should be zone names and values should be tuples that define the polygons (e.g.
209            `{"main_area": ("x_min", "x_max", "y_max", "y_min"))}`)
210        zone_bools : list, optional
211            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute binary identifiers for (1 if an animal is within the polygon or
212            0 if it's outside) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
213            this is only computed if `"zone_bools"` is in `keys`
214        zone_distances : list, optional
215            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute distances for (distance from the bodypart to the closest of the
216            boundaries) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
217            this is only computed if `"zone_distances"` is in `keys`
218        """
220        if keys is None:
221            keys = [
222                "coord_diff",
223                "center",
224                "intra_distance",
225                "speed_direction",
226                "speed_value",
227                "angle_speeds",
228                "acc_joints",
229                "inter_distance",
230            ]
231        if ignored_clips is None:
232            ignored_clips = []
233        if zone_vertices is None:
234            zone_vertices = {}
235        if zone_bools is None:
236            zone_bools = []
237        if zone_distances is None:
238            zone_distances = []
239        self.keys = keys
240        self.ignored_clips = ignored_clips
241        self.interactive = interactive
242        self.w = averaging_window
243        self.distance_pairs = distance_pairs
244        self.angle_pairs = angle_pairs
245        self.area_vertices = area_vertices
246        self.neighboring_frames = int(neighboring_frames)
247        self.zone_vertices = zone_vertices
248        self.zone_bools = zone_bools
249        self.zone_distances = zone_distances
250        super().__init__(input_store)
252    def _angle_speed(self, xy_coord_joint: np.array, n_frames: int) -> np.array:
253        """
254        Compute the angle speed
255        """
257        if xy_coord_joint.shape[1] == 2:
258            x_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 0])
259            y_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 1])
260            x_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 0] == 0] = 0
261            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 1] == 0] = 0
262            angle_dir_radians = [
263                math.atan2(y_diff[i], x_diff[i]) for i in range(n_frames - 1)
264            ]
265            angle_dir_radians = np.insert(
266                angle_dir_radians, 0, angle_dir_radians[0], axis=0
267            )
268        else:
269            x_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 0])
270            y_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 1])
271            z_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 2])
272            x_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 0] == 0] = 0
273            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 1] == 0] = 0
274            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 2] == 0] = 0
275            angle_dir_radians = []
276            for x, y in combinations([x_diff, y_diff, z_diff], 2):
277                radians = [math.atan2(x[i], y[i]) for i in range(n_frames - 1)]
278                radians = np.insert(radians, 0, radians[0], axis=0)
279                angle_dir_radians.append(radians)
280            angle_dir_radians = np.concatenate(angle_dir_radians)
282        return angle_dir_radians
284    def _poly_area(self, x, y):
285        return 0.5 * np.abs(np.dot(x, np.roll(y, 1)) - np.dot(y, np.roll(x, 1)))
287    def _cdist_keep_zeros(self, a: np.array, b: np.array) -> np.array:
288        """
289        Compute all distance combinations while setting the distance to zero if at least one of the elements is at zero
290        """
292        dist = cdist(a, b, "euclidean")
293        a_zero = np.sum(a == 0, axis=1) > 0
294        b_zero = np.sum(b == 0, axis=1) > 0
295        dist[a_zero, :] = 0
296        dist[:, a_zero] = 0
297        dist[b_zero, :] = 0
298        dist[:, b_zero] = 0
299        return dist
301    def _distance(
302        self, data_dict: Dict, clip1: str, clip2: str, name: str, centroid: bool = False
303    ) -> Tuple:
304        """
305        Compute the distances between all keypoints
306        """
308        if not isinstance(clip1, list):
309            body_parts_1 = self.get_bodyparts()
310        else:
311            body_parts_1 = clip1
312        n_body_parts = len(body_parts_1)
313        body_parts_2 = self.get_bodyparts()
314        n_frames = self.get_n_frames(data_dict, clip1)
315        if n_frames != self.get_n_frames(data_dict, clip2):
316            raise RuntimeError(
317                f"The numbers of frames for {clip1} and {clip2} are not equal at {name}!"
318            )
320        # joint distances for single agent
321        upper_indices = np.triu_indices(n_body_parts, 1)
323        xy_coord_joints_1 = np.stack(
324            [self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, bp) for bp in body_parts_1], axis=1
325        )
326        if self.w > 1:
327            for i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0]):
328                for j in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[1]):
329                    xy_coord_joints_1[i, j, :] = np.convolve(
330                        xy_coord_joints_1[i, j, :], (1 / self.w) * np.ones(self.w)
331                    )[self.w // 2 : -self.w // 2 + (self.w + 1) % 2]
332        if clip1 != clip2:
333            xy_coord_joints_2 = np.stack(
334                [self.get_coords(data_dict, clip2, bp) for bp in body_parts_2], axis=1
335            )
336            if self.w > 1:
337                for i in range(xy_coord_joints_2.shape[0]):
338                    for j in range(xy_coord_joints_2.shape[1]):
339                        xy_coord_joints_2[i, j, :] = np.convolve(
340                            xy_coord_joints_2[i, j, :], (1 / self.w) * np.ones(self.w)
341                        )[self.w // 2 : -self.w // 2 + (self.w + 1) % 2]
342        else:
343            xy_coord_joints_2 = copy.copy(xy_coord_joints_1)
345        if clip1 != clip2 and centroid:
346            centroid_1 = np.expand_dims(np.mean(xy_coord_joints_1, axis=1), 1)
347            distance_1 = np.linalg.norm(xy_coord_joints_2 - centroid_1, axis=-1)
348            centroid_2 = np.expand_dims(np.mean(xy_coord_joints_2, axis=1), 1)
349            distance_2 = np.linalg.norm(xy_coord_joints_1 - centroid_2, axis=-1)
350            intra_distance = np.concatenate([distance_1, distance_2], axis=-1)
351        else:
352            if self.distance_pairs is None:
353                n_distances = n_body_parts * (n_body_parts - 1) // 2
354                intra_distance = np.asarray(
355                    [
356                        self._cdist_keep_zeros(
357                            xy_coord_joints_1[i], xy_coord_joints_2[i]
358                        )[upper_indices].reshape(-1, n_distances)
359                        for i in range(n_frames)
360                    ]
361                ).reshape(n_frames, n_distances)
362            else:
363                intra_distance = []
364                for x, y in self.distance_pairs:
365                    x_ind = body_parts_1.index(x)
366                    y_ind = body_parts_1.index(y)
367                    intra_distance.append(
368                        np.sqrt(
369                            np.sum(
370                                (
371                                    xy_coord_joints_1[:, x_ind, :]
372                                    - xy_coord_joints_1[:, y_ind, :]
373                                )
374                                ** 2,
375                                axis=1,
376                            )
377                        )
378                    )
379                intra_distance = np.stack(intra_distance, axis=1)
381        if clip1 == clip2:
382            angle_joints_radian = np.stack(
383                [
384                    self._angle_speed(xy_coord_joints_1[:, i, :], n_frames)
385                    for i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[1])
386                ],
387                axis=1,
388            )
389            if self.angle_pairs is None:
390                angles = None
391            else:
392                angles = []
393                for x0, x1, y0, y1 in self.angle_pairs:
394                    x0_ind = body_parts_1.index(x0)
395                    x1_ind = body_parts_1.index(x1)
396                    y0_ind = body_parts_1.index(y0)
397                    y1_ind = body_parts_1.index(y1)
398                    diff_x = (
399                        xy_coord_joints_1[:, x0_ind, :]
400                        - xy_coord_joints_1[:, x1_ind, :]
401                    )
402                    diff_y = (
403                        xy_coord_joints_1[:, y0_ind, :]
404                        - xy_coord_joints_1[:, y1_ind, :]
405                    )
406                    dist_x = np.linalg.norm(diff_x, axis=-1)
407                    dist_y = np.linalg.norm(diff_y, axis=-1)
408                    denom = dist_x * dist_y + 1e-7
409                    mult = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", diff_x, diff_y)
410                    angles.append(mult / denom)
411                angles = np.stack(angles, axis=1)
412            if self.area_vertices is not None:
413                areas = []
414                for points in self.area_vertices:
415                    point_areas = []
416                    inds = [body_parts_1.index(x) for x in points]
417                    for f_i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0]):
418                        x = xy_coord_joints_1[f_i, inds, 0]
419                        y = xy_coord_joints_1[f_i, inds, 1]
420                        point_areas.append(self._poly_area(x, y))
421                    areas.append(np.array(point_areas))
422                areas = np.stack(areas, axis=-1)
423            else:
424                areas = None
426            zone_bools = []
427            for zone, vertex in self.zone_bools:
428                if zone not in self.zone_vertices:
429                    raise ValueError(f"The {zone} zone is not in zone_vertices!")
430                if vertex not in body_parts_1:
431                    raise ValueError(f"The {vertex} bodypart not in bodyparts!")
432                zone_bool = np.ones((xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0], 1))
433                vertex_coords = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, vertex)
434                for i, x in enumerate(self.zone_vertices[zone]):
435                    v1 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, x)
436                    next_i = (i + 1) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
437                    next_next_i = (i + 2) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
438                    v2 = self.get_coords(
439                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_i]
440                    )
441                    v3 = self.get_coords(
442                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_next_i]
443                    )
444                    v3_above = (
445                        v1[:, 1]
446                        + ((v3[:, 0] - v1[:, 0]) / (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0] + 1e-7))
447                        * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
448                        > v3[:, 1]
449                    )
450                    vertex_above = (
451                        v1[:, 1]
452                        + (
453                            (vertex_coords[:, 0] - v1[:, 0])
454                            / (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0] + 1e-7)
455                        )
456                        * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
457                        > vertex_coords[:, 1]
458                    )
459                    edge_bool = v3_above == vertex_above
460                    edge_bool[v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]] = (
461                        (vertex_coords[:, 0] > v2[:, 0]) == (v3[:, 0] > v2[:, 0])
462                    )[v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]]
463                    zone_bool *= np.expand_dims(edge_bool, 1)
464                zone_bools.append(zone_bool)
465            if len(zone_bools) == 0:
466                zone_bools = None
467            else:
468                zone_bools = np.concatenate(zone_bools, axis=1)
470            distances = []
471            for zone, vertex in self.zone_distances:
472                if zone not in self.zone_vertices:
473                    raise ValueError(f"The {zone} zone is not in zone_vertices!")
474                if vertex not in body_parts_1:
475                    raise ValueError(f"The {vertex} bodypart not in bodyparts!")
476                v0 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, vertex)
477                dd = []
478                for i, x in enumerate(self.zone_vertices[zone]):
479                    v1 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, x)
480                    next_i = (i + 1) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
481                    v2 = self.get_coords(
482                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_i]
483                    )
484                    d = np.abs(
485                        (v2[:, 0] - v2[:, 0]) * (v1[:, 1] - v0[:, 1])
486                        - (v1[:, 0] - v0[:, 0]) * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
487                    ) / np.sqrt(
488                        (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0]) ** 2 + (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1]) ** 2 + 1e-7
489                    )
490                    d[(v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]) * (v2[:, 1] == v1[:, 1])] = 0
491                    dd.append(d)
492                dd = np.stack(dd, axis=0)
493                dd = np.min(dd, 0)
494                distances.append(dd)
495            if len(distances) == 0:
496                distances = None
497            else:
498                distances = np.stack(distances, axis=1)
500        if clip1 != clip2:
501            return intra_distance, xy_coord_joints_1, xy_coord_joints_2, n_frames
502        else:
503            return (
504                intra_distance,
505                xy_coord_joints_1,
506                n_frames,
507                angle_joints_radian,
508                areas,
509                angles,
510                zone_bools,
511                distances,
512            )
514    def _kinematic_features_pair(
515        self, data_dict: Dict, clip1: str, clip2: str, name: str
516    ) -> Dict:
517        """
518        Compute features for a pair of clips
519        """
521        if clip1 == clip2:
522            (
523                intra_distance,
524                xy_coord_joints,
525                n_frames,
526                angle_joints_radian,
527                areas,
528                angles,
529                zone_bools,
530                zone_distances,
531            ) = self._distance(data_dict, clip1, clip2, name)
532        else:
533            (
534                intra_distance,
535                xy_coord_joints_1,
536                xy_coord_joints_2,
537                n_frames,
538            ) = self._distance(data_dict, clip1, clip2, name)
539            xy_coord_joints = xy_coord_joints_2 - xy_coord_joints_1
541        xy_coord_joints = xy_coord_joints.transpose((1, 2, 0))
543        speed_joints = np.diff(xy_coord_joints, axis=-1)
544        speed_joints[xy_coord_joints[..., :-1] == 0] = 0
545        speed_joints = np.insert(speed_joints, 0, speed_joints[:, :, 0], axis=-1)
547        # acceleration
548        acc_joints = np.asarray([np.diff(speed_joint) for speed_joint in speed_joints])
549        acc_joints = np.insert(acc_joints, 0, acc_joints[:, :, 0], axis=-1)
550        acc_joints = np.linalg.norm(acc_joints, axis=1)
552        # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
553        # print(f'{xy_coord_joints.shape=}')
554        # plt.scatter(xy_coord_joints[:, 0, 0],
555        #             xy_coord_joints[:, 1, 0])
556        # plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)
557        # plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5)
558        # plt.show()
560        features = {}
561        if "coords" in self.keys:
562            features["coords"] = copy.copy(xy_coord_joints).reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
563        if "center" in self.keys:
564            features["center"] = xy_coord_joints.mean(0).T
565        if "coord_diff" in self.keys:
566            features["coord_diff"] = (
567                (xy_coord_joints - np.expand_dims(xy_coord_joints.mean(0), 0))
568                .reshape((-1, n_frames))
569                .T
570            )
571        if "intra_distance" in self.keys:
572            features["intra_distance"] = intra_distance
573        if "speed_joints" in self.keys:
574            features["speed_joints"] = speed_joints.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
575        if "speed_direction" in self.keys or "speed_value" in self.keys:
576            values = np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(speed_joints, axis=1), 1) + 1e-7
577            directions = speed_joints / values
578            if "speed_direction" in self.keys:
579                features["speed_direction"] = directions.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
580            if "speed_value" in self.keys:
581                features["speed_value"] = values.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
582        if (
583            "angle_speeds" in self.keys or "angle_joints_radian" in self.keys
584        ) and clip1 == clip2:
585            features["angle_speeds"] = angle_joints_radian
586        if "angles" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and self.angle_pairs is not None:
587            features["angles"] = angles
588        if "acc_joints" in self.keys:
589            features["acc_joints"] = acc_joints.T
590        if "areas" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and areas is not None:
591            features["areas"] = areas * 10
592        if "zone_bools" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and zone_bools is not None:
593            features["zone_bools"] = zone_bools
594        if (
595            "zone_distances" in self.keys
596            and clip1 == clip2
597            and zone_distances is not None
598        ):
599            features["zone_distances"] = zone_distances
600        if clip1 == clip2 and "likelihood" in self.keys:
601            likelihood = [
602                self.get_likelihood(data_dict, clip1, bp) for bp in self.get_bodyparts()
603            ]
604            if likelihood[0] is not None:
605                likelihood = np.stack(likelihood, 1)
606                features["likelihood"] = likelihood
607        return features
609    def extract_features(
610        self,
611        data_dict: Dict,
612        video_id: str,
613        prefix: str = None,
614        one_clip: bool = False,
615    ) -> Dict:
616        """
617        Extract features from a data dictionary
619        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. We do not assume a specific
620        structure in the data dictionary, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
621        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
623        Parameters
624        ----------
625        data_dict : dict
626            the data dictionary
627        video_id : str
628            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
629        prefix : str, optional
630            a prefix for the feature names
631        one_clip : bool, default False
632            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
634        Returns
635        -------
636        features : dict
637            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
638            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, #frames)`
639        """
641        features = {}
642        keys = [x for x in data_dict.keys() if x not in self.ignored_clips]
643        if self.interactive:
644            if one_clip:
645                agents = [keys]
646            else:
647                agents = combinations(keys, 2)
648        else:
649            agents = [[x] for x in keys]
650        for clip_ids in agents:
651            clip_features = {}
652            for clip in clip_ids:
653                single_features = self._kinematic_features_pair(
654                    data_dict, clip, clip, video_id
655                )
656                for key, value in single_features.items():
657                    name = key
658                    if prefix is not None or len(clip_ids) > 1:
659                        name += "---"
660                        if prefix is not None:
661                            name += prefix
662                        if len(clip_ids) > 1:
663                            name += clip
664                    clip_features[name] = single_features[key]
665            if len(clip_ids) > 1 and "inter_distance" in self.keys:
666                for clip1, clip2 in combinations(clip_ids, 2):
667                    distance, *_ = self._distance(
668                        data_dict, clip1, clip2, video_id, centroid=True
669                    )
670                    name = "inter_distance---"
671                    if prefix is not None:
672                        name += prefix
673                    name += f"{clip1}+{clip2}"
674                    clip_features[name] = distance
675            if one_clip:
676                combo_name = "all"
677            else:
678                combo_name = "+".join(map(str, clip_ids))
679            features[video_id + "---" + combo_name] = clip_features
680        if self.neighboring_frames != 0:
681            for key in features.keys():
682                for clip_key in features[key].keys():
683                    new_feature = []
684                    for i in range(
685                        self.neighboring_frames + 1,
686                        features[key][clip_key].shape[0] - self.neighboring_frames,
687                    ):
688                        new_feature.append(
689                            features[key][clip_key][
690                                i
691                                - self.neighboring_frames : i
692                                + self.neighboring_frames,
693                                :,
694                            ].flatten()
695                        )
696                    features[key][clip_key] = np.stack(new_feature, axis=0)
697        return features
class FeatureExtractor(abc.ABC):
30class FeatureExtractor(ABC):
31    """
32    The base class for feature extractors
34    The `extract_features` method receives a data dictionary as input.
35    We do not assume a specific
36    structure in the values and all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
37    of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods. Therefore, each child class
38    of `FeatureExtractor` is written for a specific subclass of `dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore`
39    with the data inference
40    functions defined (i.e. `dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore`).
41    """
43    input_store_class = None
44    """
45    The `dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore` child class paired with this feature extractor
46    """
48    @abstractmethod
49    def __init__(self, ignored_clips: List = None, **kwargs):
50        """
51        Parameters
52        ----------
53        ignored_clips : list
54            a list of string names of clip ids to ignore
55        """
57    @abstractmethod
58    def extract_features(
59        self, data_dict: Dict, video_id: str, one_clip: bool = False
60    ) -> Dict:
61        """
62        Extract features from a data dictionary
64        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. The data dictionary has to relate to one
65        video id and have clip ids as keys. Read the documentation at `dlc2action.data` to find out more about video
66        and clip ids. We do not assume a specific
67        structure in the values, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
68        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
70        Parameters
71        ----------
72        data_dict : dict
73            the data dictionary
74        video_id : str
75            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
76        one_clip : bool, default False
77            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
79        Returns
80        -------
81        features : dict
82            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
83            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, ..., #frames)`
84        """

The base class for feature extractors

The extract_features method receives a data dictionary as input. We do not assume a specific structure in the values and all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods. Therefore, each child class of FeatureExtractor is written for a specific subclass of dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore with the data inference functions defined (i.e. dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore).

FeatureExtractor(ignored_clips: List = None, **kwargs)
48    @abstractmethod
49    def __init__(self, ignored_clips: List = None, **kwargs):
50        """
51        Parameters
52        ----------
53        ignored_clips : list
54            a list of string names of clip ids to ignore
55        """


ignored_clips : list a list of string names of clip ids to ignore

input_store_class = None

The dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore child class paired with this feature extractor

def extract_features(self, data_dict: Dict, video_id: str, one_clip: bool = False) -> Dict:
57    @abstractmethod
58    def extract_features(
59        self, data_dict: Dict, video_id: str, one_clip: bool = False
60    ) -> Dict:
61        """
62        Extract features from a data dictionary
64        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. The data dictionary has to relate to one
65        video id and have clip ids as keys. Read the documentation at `dlc2action.data` to find out more about video
66        and clip ids. We do not assume a specific
67        structure in the values, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
68        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
70        Parameters
71        ----------
72        data_dict : dict
73            the data dictionary
74        video_id : str
75            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
76        one_clip : bool, default False
77            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
79        Returns
80        -------
81        features : dict
82            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
83            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, ..., #frames)`
84        """

Extract features from a data dictionary

An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. The data dictionary has to relate to one video id and have clip ids as keys. Read the documentation at dlc2action.data to find out more about video and clip ids. We do not assume a specific structure in the values, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.


data_dict : dict the data dictionary video_id : str the id of the video associated with the data dictionary one_clip : bool, default False if True, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named 'all'


features : dict a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the values are numpy arrays of shape (#features, ..., #frames)

class PoseFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor):
 87class PoseFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor):
 88    """
 89    The base class for pose feature extractors
 91    Pose feature extractors work with `dlc2action.data.base_store.InputStore` instances
 92    that inherit from `dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore`.
 93    """
 95    input_store_class = PoseInputStore
 97    def __init__(self, input_store: PoseInputStore, *args, **kwargs):
 98        """
 99        Parameters
100        ----------
101        input_store : PoseInputStore
102            the input store object
103        """
105        self.get_bodyparts = input_store.get_bodyparts
106        self.get_coords = input_store.get_coords
107        self.get_n_frames = input_store.get_n_frames
108        self.get_likelihood = input_store.get_likelihood

The base class for pose feature extractors

Pose feature extractors work with dlc2action.data.base_store.InputStore instances that inherit from dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore.

PoseFeatureExtractor( input_store: dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore, *args, **kwargs)
 97    def __init__(self, input_store: PoseInputStore, *args, **kwargs):
 98        """
 99        Parameters
100        ----------
101        input_store : PoseInputStore
102            the input store object
103        """
105        self.get_bodyparts = input_store.get_bodyparts
106        self.get_coords = input_store.get_coords
107        self.get_n_frames = input_store.get_n_frames
108        self.get_likelihood = input_store.get_likelihood


input_store : PoseInputStore the input store object

class PoseFeatureExtractor.input_store_class(dlc2action.data.base_store.InputStore):
617class PoseInputStore(InputStore):
618    """
619    A subclass of InputStore for pose estimation data
621    Contains methods used by pose estimation feature extractors.
622    All methods receive a data dictionary as input. This dictionary is the same as what is passed to the
623    feature extractor and the only limitations for the structure are that it has to relate to one video id
624    and have clip ids as keys. Read the documentation at `dlc2action.data` to find out more about videos
625    and clips.
626    """
628    def get_likelihood(
629        self, data_dict: Dict, clip_id: str, bodypart: str
630    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
631        """
632        Get the likelihood values
634        Parameters
635        ----------
636        data_dict : dict
637            the data dictionary
638        clip_id : str
639            the clip id
640        bodypart : str
641            the name of the body part
643        Returns
644        -------
645        likelihoods: np.ndarrray | None
646            `None` if the dataset doesn't have likelihoods or an array of shape (#timestamps)
647        """
649        return None
651    @abstractmethod
652    def get_coords(self, data_dict: Dict, clip_id: str, bodypart: str) -> np.ndarray:
653        """
654        Get the coordinates array of a specific body part in a specific clip
656        Parameters
657        ----------
658        data_dict : dict
659            the data dictionary
660        clip_id : str
661            the clip id
662        bodypart : str
663            the name of the body part
665        Returns
666        -------
667        coords : np.ndarray
668            the coordinates array of shape (#timesteps, #coordinates)
669        """
671    @abstractmethod
672    def get_bodyparts(self) -> List:
673        """
674        Get a list of bodypart names
676        Returns
677        -------
678        bodyparts : list
679            a list of string or integer body part names
680        """
682    @abstractmethod
683    def get_n_frames(self, data_dict: Dict, clip_id: str) -> int:
684        """
685        Get the length of the clip
687        Parameters
688        ----------
689        data_dict : dict
690            the data dictionary
691        clip_id : str
692            the clip id
694        Returns
695        -------
696        n_frames : int
697            the length of the clip
698        """

The dlc2action.data.base_Store.InputStore child class paired with this feature extractor

class KinematicExtractor(PoseFeatureExtractor):
143class KinematicExtractor(PoseFeatureExtractor):
144    """
145    A feature extractor for basic kinematic features: speeds, accelerations, distances.
147    The available keys are:
148        - coords: the allocentric bodypart coordinates,
149        - coord_diff: the egocentric bodypart coordinates,
150        - center: the body center (mean of bodyparts) coordinates,
151        - intra_distance: distances between bodyparts (pairs set in `distance_pairs` or all combinations by default),
152        - inter_distance: computed in interactive mode (for pairs of animals); distances from each bodypart of each animal to the centroid between them,
153        - speed_direction: unit vector of speed approximation for each bodypart,
154        - speed_value: l2 norm of the speed approximation vector for each bodypart,
155        - acc_joints: l2 norm of the acceleration approximation vector for each bodypart,
156        - angle_speeds: vector of angle speed approximation for each bodypart,
157        - angles: cosines of angles set in `angle_pairs`,
158        - areas: areas of polygons set in `area_vertices`,
159        - zone_bools: binary identifier of zone visitation, defined in `zone_bools`,
160        - zone_distances: distance to zone boundary, defined in `zone_distances'`,
161        - likelihood: pose estimation likelihood (if known).
163    The default set is `{coord_diff, center, intra_distance, inter_distance, speed_direction, speed_value, acc_joints, angle_speeds}`
164    """
166    def __init__(
167        self,
168        input_store: PoseInputStore,
169        keys: List = None,
170        ignored_clips: List = None,
171        interactive: bool = False,
172        averaging_window: int = 1,
173        distance_pairs: List = None,
174        angle_pairs: List = None,
175        neighboring_frames: int = 0,
176        area_vertices: List = None,
177        zone_vertices: Dict = None,
178        zone_bools: List = None,
179        zone_distances: List = None,
180        *args,
181        **kwargs,
182    ) -> None:
183        """
184        Parameters
185        ----------
186        input_store : PoseInputStore
187            the input store object
188        keys : list, optional
189            a list of names of the features to extract
190        ignored_clips : list, optional
191            a list of clip ids to ignore
192        interactive : bool, default False
193            if `True`, features for pairs of clips will be computed
194        averaging_window : int, default 1
195            if >1, features are averaged with a moving window of this size (in frames)
196        distance_pairs : list, optional
197            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("tail", "nose")]`) to compute distances for when `"intra_distance"`
198            is in `keys` (by default all distances are computed)
199        angle_pairs : list, optional
200            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2")]`) for the angle between `"ear1"--"nose"` and
201            `"nose"--"ear2"` lines) to compute angle cosines for when `"angles"` is in `keys` (by default no angles are computed)
202        neighboring_frames : int, default 0
203            if >0, this number of neighboring frames is aggregated in the center frame features (generally not recommended)
204        area_vertices : list, optional
205            a list of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2", "spine1")]`) that define polygons
206            to compute areas for when `"areas"` is in `keys` (by default no areas are computed)
207        zone_vertices : dict, optional
208            a dictionary of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 that define zones for `"zone_bools"`and `"zone_distances"`
209            featyres; keys should be zone names and values should be tuples that define the polygons (e.g.
210            `{"main_area": ("x_min", "x_max", "y_max", "y_min"))}`)
211        zone_bools : list, optional
212            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute binary identifiers for (1 if an animal is within the polygon or
213            0 if it's outside) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
214            this is only computed if `"zone_bools"` is in `keys`
215        zone_distances : list, optional
216            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute distances for (distance from the bodypart to the closest of the
217            boundaries) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
218            this is only computed if `"zone_distances"` is in `keys`
219        """
221        if keys is None:
222            keys = [
223                "coord_diff",
224                "center",
225                "intra_distance",
226                "speed_direction",
227                "speed_value",
228                "angle_speeds",
229                "acc_joints",
230                "inter_distance",
231            ]
232        if ignored_clips is None:
233            ignored_clips = []
234        if zone_vertices is None:
235            zone_vertices = {}
236        if zone_bools is None:
237            zone_bools = []
238        if zone_distances is None:
239            zone_distances = []
240        self.keys = keys
241        self.ignored_clips = ignored_clips
242        self.interactive = interactive
243        self.w = averaging_window
244        self.distance_pairs = distance_pairs
245        self.angle_pairs = angle_pairs
246        self.area_vertices = area_vertices
247        self.neighboring_frames = int(neighboring_frames)
248        self.zone_vertices = zone_vertices
249        self.zone_bools = zone_bools
250        self.zone_distances = zone_distances
251        super().__init__(input_store)
253    def _angle_speed(self, xy_coord_joint: np.array, n_frames: int) -> np.array:
254        """
255        Compute the angle speed
256        """
258        if xy_coord_joint.shape[1] == 2:
259            x_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 0])
260            y_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 1])
261            x_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 0] == 0] = 0
262            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 1] == 0] = 0
263            angle_dir_radians = [
264                math.atan2(y_diff[i], x_diff[i]) for i in range(n_frames - 1)
265            ]
266            angle_dir_radians = np.insert(
267                angle_dir_radians, 0, angle_dir_radians[0], axis=0
268            )
269        else:
270            x_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 0])
271            y_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 1])
272            z_diff = np.diff(xy_coord_joint[:, 2])
273            x_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 0] == 0] = 0
274            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 1] == 0] = 0
275            y_diff[xy_coord_joint[:-1, 2] == 0] = 0
276            angle_dir_radians = []
277            for x, y in combinations([x_diff, y_diff, z_diff], 2):
278                radians = [math.atan2(x[i], y[i]) for i in range(n_frames - 1)]
279                radians = np.insert(radians, 0, radians[0], axis=0)
280                angle_dir_radians.append(radians)
281            angle_dir_radians = np.concatenate(angle_dir_radians)
283        return angle_dir_radians
285    def _poly_area(self, x, y):
286        return 0.5 * np.abs(np.dot(x, np.roll(y, 1)) - np.dot(y, np.roll(x, 1)))
288    def _cdist_keep_zeros(self, a: np.array, b: np.array) -> np.array:
289        """
290        Compute all distance combinations while setting the distance to zero if at least one of the elements is at zero
291        """
293        dist = cdist(a, b, "euclidean")
294        a_zero = np.sum(a == 0, axis=1) > 0
295        b_zero = np.sum(b == 0, axis=1) > 0
296        dist[a_zero, :] = 0
297        dist[:, a_zero] = 0
298        dist[b_zero, :] = 0
299        dist[:, b_zero] = 0
300        return dist
302    def _distance(
303        self, data_dict: Dict, clip1: str, clip2: str, name: str, centroid: bool = False
304    ) -> Tuple:
305        """
306        Compute the distances between all keypoints
307        """
309        if not isinstance(clip1, list):
310            body_parts_1 = self.get_bodyparts()
311        else:
312            body_parts_1 = clip1
313        n_body_parts = len(body_parts_1)
314        body_parts_2 = self.get_bodyparts()
315        n_frames = self.get_n_frames(data_dict, clip1)
316        if n_frames != self.get_n_frames(data_dict, clip2):
317            raise RuntimeError(
318                f"The numbers of frames for {clip1} and {clip2} are not equal at {name}!"
319            )
321        # joint distances for single agent
322        upper_indices = np.triu_indices(n_body_parts, 1)
324        xy_coord_joints_1 = np.stack(
325            [self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, bp) for bp in body_parts_1], axis=1
326        )
327        if self.w > 1:
328            for i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0]):
329                for j in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[1]):
330                    xy_coord_joints_1[i, j, :] = np.convolve(
331                        xy_coord_joints_1[i, j, :], (1 / self.w) * np.ones(self.w)
332                    )[self.w // 2 : -self.w // 2 + (self.w + 1) % 2]
333        if clip1 != clip2:
334            xy_coord_joints_2 = np.stack(
335                [self.get_coords(data_dict, clip2, bp) for bp in body_parts_2], axis=1
336            )
337            if self.w > 1:
338                for i in range(xy_coord_joints_2.shape[0]):
339                    for j in range(xy_coord_joints_2.shape[1]):
340                        xy_coord_joints_2[i, j, :] = np.convolve(
341                            xy_coord_joints_2[i, j, :], (1 / self.w) * np.ones(self.w)
342                        )[self.w // 2 : -self.w // 2 + (self.w + 1) % 2]
343        else:
344            xy_coord_joints_2 = copy.copy(xy_coord_joints_1)
346        if clip1 != clip2 and centroid:
347            centroid_1 = np.expand_dims(np.mean(xy_coord_joints_1, axis=1), 1)
348            distance_1 = np.linalg.norm(xy_coord_joints_2 - centroid_1, axis=-1)
349            centroid_2 = np.expand_dims(np.mean(xy_coord_joints_2, axis=1), 1)
350            distance_2 = np.linalg.norm(xy_coord_joints_1 - centroid_2, axis=-1)
351            intra_distance = np.concatenate([distance_1, distance_2], axis=-1)
352        else:
353            if self.distance_pairs is None:
354                n_distances = n_body_parts * (n_body_parts - 1) // 2
355                intra_distance = np.asarray(
356                    [
357                        self._cdist_keep_zeros(
358                            xy_coord_joints_1[i], xy_coord_joints_2[i]
359                        )[upper_indices].reshape(-1, n_distances)
360                        for i in range(n_frames)
361                    ]
362                ).reshape(n_frames, n_distances)
363            else:
364                intra_distance = []
365                for x, y in self.distance_pairs:
366                    x_ind = body_parts_1.index(x)
367                    y_ind = body_parts_1.index(y)
368                    intra_distance.append(
369                        np.sqrt(
370                            np.sum(
371                                (
372                                    xy_coord_joints_1[:, x_ind, :]
373                                    - xy_coord_joints_1[:, y_ind, :]
374                                )
375                                ** 2,
376                                axis=1,
377                            )
378                        )
379                    )
380                intra_distance = np.stack(intra_distance, axis=1)
382        if clip1 == clip2:
383            angle_joints_radian = np.stack(
384                [
385                    self._angle_speed(xy_coord_joints_1[:, i, :], n_frames)
386                    for i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[1])
387                ],
388                axis=1,
389            )
390            if self.angle_pairs is None:
391                angles = None
392            else:
393                angles = []
394                for x0, x1, y0, y1 in self.angle_pairs:
395                    x0_ind = body_parts_1.index(x0)
396                    x1_ind = body_parts_1.index(x1)
397                    y0_ind = body_parts_1.index(y0)
398                    y1_ind = body_parts_1.index(y1)
399                    diff_x = (
400                        xy_coord_joints_1[:, x0_ind, :]
401                        - xy_coord_joints_1[:, x1_ind, :]
402                    )
403                    diff_y = (
404                        xy_coord_joints_1[:, y0_ind, :]
405                        - xy_coord_joints_1[:, y1_ind, :]
406                    )
407                    dist_x = np.linalg.norm(diff_x, axis=-1)
408                    dist_y = np.linalg.norm(diff_y, axis=-1)
409                    denom = dist_x * dist_y + 1e-7
410                    mult = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", diff_x, diff_y)
411                    angles.append(mult / denom)
412                angles = np.stack(angles, axis=1)
413            if self.area_vertices is not None:
414                areas = []
415                for points in self.area_vertices:
416                    point_areas = []
417                    inds = [body_parts_1.index(x) for x in points]
418                    for f_i in range(xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0]):
419                        x = xy_coord_joints_1[f_i, inds, 0]
420                        y = xy_coord_joints_1[f_i, inds, 1]
421                        point_areas.append(self._poly_area(x, y))
422                    areas.append(np.array(point_areas))
423                areas = np.stack(areas, axis=-1)
424            else:
425                areas = None
427            zone_bools = []
428            for zone, vertex in self.zone_bools:
429                if zone not in self.zone_vertices:
430                    raise ValueError(f"The {zone} zone is not in zone_vertices!")
431                if vertex not in body_parts_1:
432                    raise ValueError(f"The {vertex} bodypart not in bodyparts!")
433                zone_bool = np.ones((xy_coord_joints_1.shape[0], 1))
434                vertex_coords = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, vertex)
435                for i, x in enumerate(self.zone_vertices[zone]):
436                    v1 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, x)
437                    next_i = (i + 1) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
438                    next_next_i = (i + 2) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
439                    v2 = self.get_coords(
440                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_i]
441                    )
442                    v3 = self.get_coords(
443                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_next_i]
444                    )
445                    v3_above = (
446                        v1[:, 1]
447                        + ((v3[:, 0] - v1[:, 0]) / (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0] + 1e-7))
448                        * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
449                        > v3[:, 1]
450                    )
451                    vertex_above = (
452                        v1[:, 1]
453                        + (
454                            (vertex_coords[:, 0] - v1[:, 0])
455                            / (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0] + 1e-7)
456                        )
457                        * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
458                        > vertex_coords[:, 1]
459                    )
460                    edge_bool = v3_above == vertex_above
461                    edge_bool[v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]] = (
462                        (vertex_coords[:, 0] > v2[:, 0]) == (v3[:, 0] > v2[:, 0])
463                    )[v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]]
464                    zone_bool *= np.expand_dims(edge_bool, 1)
465                zone_bools.append(zone_bool)
466            if len(zone_bools) == 0:
467                zone_bools = None
468            else:
469                zone_bools = np.concatenate(zone_bools, axis=1)
471            distances = []
472            for zone, vertex in self.zone_distances:
473                if zone not in self.zone_vertices:
474                    raise ValueError(f"The {zone} zone is not in zone_vertices!")
475                if vertex not in body_parts_1:
476                    raise ValueError(f"The {vertex} bodypart not in bodyparts!")
477                v0 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, vertex)
478                dd = []
479                for i, x in enumerate(self.zone_vertices[zone]):
480                    v1 = self.get_coords(data_dict, clip1, x)
481                    next_i = (i + 1) % len(self.zone_vertices[zone])
482                    v2 = self.get_coords(
483                        data_dict, clip1, self.zone_vertices[zone][next_i]
484                    )
485                    d = np.abs(
486                        (v2[:, 0] - v2[:, 0]) * (v1[:, 1] - v0[:, 1])
487                        - (v1[:, 0] - v0[:, 0]) * (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1])
488                    ) / np.sqrt(
489                        (v2[:, 0] - v1[:, 0]) ** 2 + (v2[:, 1] - v1[:, 1]) ** 2 + 1e-7
490                    )
491                    d[(v2[:, 0] == v1[:, 0]) * (v2[:, 1] == v1[:, 1])] = 0
492                    dd.append(d)
493                dd = np.stack(dd, axis=0)
494                dd = np.min(dd, 0)
495                distances.append(dd)
496            if len(distances) == 0:
497                distances = None
498            else:
499                distances = np.stack(distances, axis=1)
501        if clip1 != clip2:
502            return intra_distance, xy_coord_joints_1, xy_coord_joints_2, n_frames
503        else:
504            return (
505                intra_distance,
506                xy_coord_joints_1,
507                n_frames,
508                angle_joints_radian,
509                areas,
510                angles,
511                zone_bools,
512                distances,
513            )
515    def _kinematic_features_pair(
516        self, data_dict: Dict, clip1: str, clip2: str, name: str
517    ) -> Dict:
518        """
519        Compute features for a pair of clips
520        """
522        if clip1 == clip2:
523            (
524                intra_distance,
525                xy_coord_joints,
526                n_frames,
527                angle_joints_radian,
528                areas,
529                angles,
530                zone_bools,
531                zone_distances,
532            ) = self._distance(data_dict, clip1, clip2, name)
533        else:
534            (
535                intra_distance,
536                xy_coord_joints_1,
537                xy_coord_joints_2,
538                n_frames,
539            ) = self._distance(data_dict, clip1, clip2, name)
540            xy_coord_joints = xy_coord_joints_2 - xy_coord_joints_1
542        xy_coord_joints = xy_coord_joints.transpose((1, 2, 0))
544        speed_joints = np.diff(xy_coord_joints, axis=-1)
545        speed_joints[xy_coord_joints[..., :-1] == 0] = 0
546        speed_joints = np.insert(speed_joints, 0, speed_joints[:, :, 0], axis=-1)
548        # acceleration
549        acc_joints = np.asarray([np.diff(speed_joint) for speed_joint in speed_joints])
550        acc_joints = np.insert(acc_joints, 0, acc_joints[:, :, 0], axis=-1)
551        acc_joints = np.linalg.norm(acc_joints, axis=1)
553        # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
554        # print(f'{xy_coord_joints.shape=}')
555        # plt.scatter(xy_coord_joints[:, 0, 0],
556        #             xy_coord_joints[:, 1, 0])
557        # plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)
558        # plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5)
559        # plt.show()
561        features = {}
562        if "coords" in self.keys:
563            features["coords"] = copy.copy(xy_coord_joints).reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
564        if "center" in self.keys:
565            features["center"] = xy_coord_joints.mean(0).T
566        if "coord_diff" in self.keys:
567            features["coord_diff"] = (
568                (xy_coord_joints - np.expand_dims(xy_coord_joints.mean(0), 0))
569                .reshape((-1, n_frames))
570                .T
571            )
572        if "intra_distance" in self.keys:
573            features["intra_distance"] = intra_distance
574        if "speed_joints" in self.keys:
575            features["speed_joints"] = speed_joints.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
576        if "speed_direction" in self.keys or "speed_value" in self.keys:
577            values = np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(speed_joints, axis=1), 1) + 1e-7
578            directions = speed_joints / values
579            if "speed_direction" in self.keys:
580                features["speed_direction"] = directions.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
581            if "speed_value" in self.keys:
582                features["speed_value"] = values.reshape((-1, n_frames)).T
583        if (
584            "angle_speeds" in self.keys or "angle_joints_radian" in self.keys
585        ) and clip1 == clip2:
586            features["angle_speeds"] = angle_joints_radian
587        if "angles" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and self.angle_pairs is not None:
588            features["angles"] = angles
589        if "acc_joints" in self.keys:
590            features["acc_joints"] = acc_joints.T
591        if "areas" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and areas is not None:
592            features["areas"] = areas * 10
593        if "zone_bools" in self.keys and clip1 == clip2 and zone_bools is not None:
594            features["zone_bools"] = zone_bools
595        if (
596            "zone_distances" in self.keys
597            and clip1 == clip2
598            and zone_distances is not None
599        ):
600            features["zone_distances"] = zone_distances
601        if clip1 == clip2 and "likelihood" in self.keys:
602            likelihood = [
603                self.get_likelihood(data_dict, clip1, bp) for bp in self.get_bodyparts()
604            ]
605            if likelihood[0] is not None:
606                likelihood = np.stack(likelihood, 1)
607                features["likelihood"] = likelihood
608        return features
610    def extract_features(
611        self,
612        data_dict: Dict,
613        video_id: str,
614        prefix: str = None,
615        one_clip: bool = False,
616    ) -> Dict:
617        """
618        Extract features from a data dictionary
620        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. We do not assume a specific
621        structure in the data dictionary, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
622        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
624        Parameters
625        ----------
626        data_dict : dict
627            the data dictionary
628        video_id : str
629            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
630        prefix : str, optional
631            a prefix for the feature names
632        one_clip : bool, default False
633            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
635        Returns
636        -------
637        features : dict
638            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
639            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, #frames)`
640        """
642        features = {}
643        keys = [x for x in data_dict.keys() if x not in self.ignored_clips]
644        if self.interactive:
645            if one_clip:
646                agents = [keys]
647            else:
648                agents = combinations(keys, 2)
649        else:
650            agents = [[x] for x in keys]
651        for clip_ids in agents:
652            clip_features = {}
653            for clip in clip_ids:
654                single_features = self._kinematic_features_pair(
655                    data_dict, clip, clip, video_id
656                )
657                for key, value in single_features.items():
658                    name = key
659                    if prefix is not None or len(clip_ids) > 1:
660                        name += "---"
661                        if prefix is not None:
662                            name += prefix
663                        if len(clip_ids) > 1:
664                            name += clip
665                    clip_features[name] = single_features[key]
666            if len(clip_ids) > 1 and "inter_distance" in self.keys:
667                for clip1, clip2 in combinations(clip_ids, 2):
668                    distance, *_ = self._distance(
669                        data_dict, clip1, clip2, video_id, centroid=True
670                    )
671                    name = "inter_distance---"
672                    if prefix is not None:
673                        name += prefix
674                    name += f"{clip1}+{clip2}"
675                    clip_features[name] = distance
676            if one_clip:
677                combo_name = "all"
678            else:
679                combo_name = "+".join(map(str, clip_ids))
680            features[video_id + "---" + combo_name] = clip_features
681        if self.neighboring_frames != 0:
682            for key in features.keys():
683                for clip_key in features[key].keys():
684                    new_feature = []
685                    for i in range(
686                        self.neighboring_frames + 1,
687                        features[key][clip_key].shape[0] - self.neighboring_frames,
688                    ):
689                        new_feature.append(
690                            features[key][clip_key][
691                                i
692                                - self.neighboring_frames : i
693                                + self.neighboring_frames,
694                                :,
695                            ].flatten()
696                        )
697                    features[key][clip_key] = np.stack(new_feature, axis=0)
698        return features

A feature extractor for basic kinematic features: speeds, accelerations, distances.

The available keys are: - coords: the allocentric bodypart coordinates, - coord_diff: the egocentric bodypart coordinates, - center: the body center (mean of bodyparts) coordinates, - intra_distance: distances between bodyparts (pairs set in distance_pairs or all combinations by default), - inter_distance: computed in interactive mode (for pairs of animals); distances from each bodypart of each animal to the centroid between them, - speed_direction: unit vector of speed approximation for each bodypart, - speed_value: l2 norm of the speed approximation vector for each bodypart, - acc_joints: l2 norm of the acceleration approximation vector for each bodypart, - angle_speeds: vector of angle speed approximation for each bodypart, - angles: cosines of angles set in angle_pairs, - areas: areas of polygons set in area_vertices, - zone_bools: binary identifier of zone visitation, defined in zone_bools, - zone_distances: distance to zone boundary, defined in zone_distances', - likelihood: pose estimation likelihood (if known).

The default set is {coord_diff, center, intra_distance, inter_distance, speed_direction, speed_value, acc_joints, angle_speeds}

KinematicExtractor( input_store: dlc2action.data.base_store.PoseInputStore, keys: List = None, ignored_clips: List = None, interactive: bool = False, averaging_window: int = 1, distance_pairs: List = None, angle_pairs: List = None, neighboring_frames: int = 0, area_vertices: List = None, zone_vertices: Dict = None, zone_bools: List = None, zone_distances: List = None, *args, **kwargs)
166    def __init__(
167        self,
168        input_store: PoseInputStore,
169        keys: List = None,
170        ignored_clips: List = None,
171        interactive: bool = False,
172        averaging_window: int = 1,
173        distance_pairs: List = None,
174        angle_pairs: List = None,
175        neighboring_frames: int = 0,
176        area_vertices: List = None,
177        zone_vertices: Dict = None,
178        zone_bools: List = None,
179        zone_distances: List = None,
180        *args,
181        **kwargs,
182    ) -> None:
183        """
184        Parameters
185        ----------
186        input_store : PoseInputStore
187            the input store object
188        keys : list, optional
189            a list of names of the features to extract
190        ignored_clips : list, optional
191            a list of clip ids to ignore
192        interactive : bool, default False
193            if `True`, features for pairs of clips will be computed
194        averaging_window : int, default 1
195            if >1, features are averaged with a moving window of this size (in frames)
196        distance_pairs : list, optional
197            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("tail", "nose")]`) to compute distances for when `"intra_distance"`
198            is in `keys` (by default all distances are computed)
199        angle_pairs : list, optional
200            a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2")]`) for the angle between `"ear1"--"nose"` and
201            `"nose"--"ear2"` lines) to compute angle cosines for when `"angles"` is in `keys` (by default no angles are computed)
202        neighboring_frames : int, default 0
203            if >0, this number of neighboring frames is aggregated in the center frame features (generally not recommended)
204        area_vertices : list, optional
205            a list of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 (e.g. `[("ear1", "nose", "ear2", "spine1")]`) that define polygons
206            to compute areas for when `"areas"` is in `keys` (by default no areas are computed)
207        zone_vertices : dict, optional
208            a dictionary of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 that define zones for `"zone_bools"`and `"zone_distances"`
209            featyres; keys should be zone names and values should be tuples that define the polygons (e.g.
210            `{"main_area": ("x_min", "x_max", "y_max", "y_min"))}`)
211        zone_bools : list, optional
212            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute binary identifiers for (1 if an animal is within the polygon or
213            0 if it's outside) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
214            this is only computed if `"zone_bools"` is in `keys`
215        zone_distances : list, optional
216            a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute distances for (distance from the bodypart to the closest of the
217            boundaries) (e.g. `[("main_area", "nose")]`); the zones should be defined in the `zone_vertices` parameter;
218            this is only computed if `"zone_distances"` is in `keys`
219        """
221        if keys is None:
222            keys = [
223                "coord_diff",
224                "center",
225                "intra_distance",
226                "speed_direction",
227                "speed_value",
228                "angle_speeds",
229                "acc_joints",
230                "inter_distance",
231            ]
232        if ignored_clips is None:
233            ignored_clips = []
234        if zone_vertices is None:
235            zone_vertices = {}
236        if zone_bools is None:
237            zone_bools = []
238        if zone_distances is None:
239            zone_distances = []
240        self.keys = keys
241        self.ignored_clips = ignored_clips
242        self.interactive = interactive
243        self.w = averaging_window
244        self.distance_pairs = distance_pairs
245        self.angle_pairs = angle_pairs
246        self.area_vertices = area_vertices
247        self.neighboring_frames = int(neighboring_frames)
248        self.zone_vertices = zone_vertices
249        self.zone_bools = zone_bools
250        self.zone_distances = zone_distances
251        super().__init__(input_store)


input_store : PoseInputStore the input store object keys : list, optional a list of names of the features to extract ignored_clips : list, optional a list of clip ids to ignore interactive : bool, default False if True, features for pairs of clips will be computed averaging_window : int, default 1 if >1, features are averaged with a moving window of this size (in frames) distance_pairs : list, optional a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. [("tail", "nose")]) to compute distances for when "intra_distance" is in keys (by default all distances are computed) angle_pairs : list, optional a list of bodypart name tuples (e.g. [("ear1", "nose", "ear2")]) for the angle between "ear1"--"nose" and "nose"--"ear2" lines) to compute angle cosines for when "angles" is in keys (by default no angles are computed) neighboring_frames : int, default 0 if >0, this number of neighboring frames is aggregated in the center frame features (generally not recommended) area_vertices : list, optional a list of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 (e.g. [("ear1", "nose", "ear2", "spine1")]) that define polygons to compute areas for when "areas" is in keys (by default no areas are computed) zone_vertices : dict, optional a dictionary of bodypart name tuples of any length >= 3 that define zones for "zone_bools"and "zone_distances" featyres; keys should be zone names and values should be tuples that define the polygons (e.g. {"main_area": ("x_min", "x_max", "y_max", "y_min"))}) zone_bools : list, optional a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute binary identifiers for (1 if an animal is within the polygon or 0 if it's outside) (e.g. [("main_area", "nose")]); the zones should be defined in the zone_vertices parameter; this is only computed if "zone_bools" is in keys zone_distances : list, optional a list of zone and bodypart name tuples to compute distances for (distance from the bodypart to the closest of the boundaries) (e.g. [("main_area", "nose")]); the zones should be defined in the zone_vertices parameter; this is only computed if "zone_distances" is in keys

def extract_features( self, data_dict: Dict, video_id: str, prefix: str = None, one_clip: bool = False) -> Dict:
610    def extract_features(
611        self,
612        data_dict: Dict,
613        video_id: str,
614        prefix: str = None,
615        one_clip: bool = False,
616    ) -> Dict:
617        """
618        Extract features from a data dictionary
620        An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. We do not assume a specific
621        structure in the data dictionary, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number
622        of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.
624        Parameters
625        ----------
626        data_dict : dict
627            the data dictionary
628        video_id : str
629            the id of the video associated with the data dictionary
630        prefix : str, optional
631            a prefix for the feature names
632        one_clip : bool, default False
633            if `True`, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named `'all'`
635        Returns
636        -------
637        features : dict
638            a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the
639            values are numpy arrays of shape `(#features, #frames)`
640        """
642        features = {}
643        keys = [x for x in data_dict.keys() if x not in self.ignored_clips]
644        if self.interactive:
645            if one_clip:
646                agents = [keys]
647            else:
648                agents = combinations(keys, 2)
649        else:
650            agents = [[x] for x in keys]
651        for clip_ids in agents:
652            clip_features = {}
653            for clip in clip_ids:
654                single_features = self._kinematic_features_pair(
655                    data_dict, clip, clip, video_id
656                )
657                for key, value in single_features.items():
658                    name = key
659                    if prefix is not None or len(clip_ids) > 1:
660                        name += "---"
661                        if prefix is not None:
662                            name += prefix
663                        if len(clip_ids) > 1:
664                            name += clip
665                    clip_features[name] = single_features[key]
666            if len(clip_ids) > 1 and "inter_distance" in self.keys:
667                for clip1, clip2 in combinations(clip_ids, 2):
668                    distance, *_ = self._distance(
669                        data_dict, clip1, clip2, video_id, centroid=True
670                    )
671                    name = "inter_distance---"
672                    if prefix is not None:
673                        name += prefix
674                    name += f"{clip1}+{clip2}"
675                    clip_features[name] = distance
676            if one_clip:
677                combo_name = "all"
678            else:
679                combo_name = "+".join(map(str, clip_ids))
680            features[video_id + "---" + combo_name] = clip_features
681        if self.neighboring_frames != 0:
682            for key in features.keys():
683                for clip_key in features[key].keys():
684                    new_feature = []
685                    for i in range(
686                        self.neighboring_frames + 1,
687                        features[key][clip_key].shape[0] - self.neighboring_frames,
688                    ):
689                        new_feature.append(
690                            features[key][clip_key][
691                                i
692                                - self.neighboring_frames : i
693                                + self.neighboring_frames,
694                                :,
695                            ].flatten()
696                        )
697                    features[key][clip_key] = np.stack(new_feature, axis=0)
698        return features

Extract features from a data dictionary

An input store will call this method while pre-computing a dataset. We do not assume a specific structure in the data dictionary, so all necessary information (coordinates of a bodypart, number of frames, list of bodyparts) is inferred using input store methods.


data_dict : dict the data dictionary video_id : str the id of the video associated with the data dictionary prefix : str, optional a prefix for the feature names one_clip : bool, default False if True, all features will be concatenated and assigned to one clip named 'all'


features : dict a features dictionary where the keys are the feature names (e.g. 'coords', 'distances') and the values are numpy arrays of shape (#features, #frames)